There are many paths to finding success in life. Whether you want to have the freedom and control of running your own business or you simply want to make enough money to take the vacation of your dreams, there are a few steps you need to take. The Wolff Couple is here to help you find your way. We want to help you achieve your goals, whether that means building up your bank account through real estate investment or even losing 50 pounds like Brian did. We want to give you the tools you need to succeed.

In today’s blog post, we’ll be talking about executive control. Executive control is a strategy you can use to break bad habits and finally live the life you’ve always wanted. Watch today’s featured Wolff Bite to see Brian explain executive control at a Wolff Couple real estate seminar and keep reading for more information. When you’re ready to change your life, sign up for a live real estate workshop near you! Every seminar is packed with valuable advice and proven resources like our real estate scripts to help you become one of the thousands of successful real estate investors we have trained all over the country. Get started today!

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The Three Components of Your Identity

Everyone has their own mindset and their own identity, and that sense of identity can be split into three separate components: your public identity, your private identity, and your “true” identity. We make decisions and take action every day, often within the framework of our public or private identities. To make real changes and see results, you need to find enough distance and clarity of thought to be objective and occupy that “true” identity.

Take a Step Back

Take a step back and examine the decisions you’ve made and actions you’ve taken recently. What were the results? Did you achieve your goals? When you look objectively at your life, you can often see where you have done things that weren’t good for you. Once you identity the self-defeating behaviors and bad habits you’ve fallen into, you’re in the position to take executive control.

Take Executive Control

You are in charge of your behavior, your life, and the results you see. You have control, you just need to find the courage and the strength to do what it takes to get your life back on track. That might mean changing your mindset or getting help from other people. You just have to remember that certain behaviors will lead to certain outcomes, and if you want to see different results, you need to change your behavior.

If you are ready to change your life, sign up for a Wolff Couple real estate workshop today! We’ll help you take steps to achieve your dreams and reach your goals, whatever they are. Every workshop is full of life-changing advice and invaluable resources. Take the first step today and visit the Wolff Shop to bring home our high-quality investment training DVDs and real estate scripts. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to get effective tips and tricks every week and watch clips from our best live events, workshops, and sometimes our personal lives. Take control of your future and sign up today to attend a real estate seminar near you!

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