Every year, the Wolff Couple travels with Ron LeGrand to the Salmon Falls Resort in Alaska. Not only are there amazing fishing opportunities, there is also a lot to learn about life and business! Inspired by our last fishing trip, here are five real estate investment lessons you can learn from fishing. Read the article, watch the video, and find a real estate workshop near you to get great advice from the Wolffs in person!

Lesson 1: Be Prepared

You need the right training and equipment to catch fish, and the same goes for “catching” real estate sellers and buyers! Marketing is your bait. The opening call is when you get that first “nibble” and gauge the interest of your seller. The closing call is when you “hook” the prospect, and turning that nibble into a bite is the most crucial part! With the right training from the Wolff Couple, you’ll be reeling in deals like a pro. Try our proven real estate scripts today and sign up for a workshop today to learn more!

Lesson 2: Know Where to Go

Choosing the right farm area – or fishing hole – is key to your success! You need to go where the fish are, or in the case of real estate investing, where the homebuyers and sellers are. You want to find an active area with flexible sellers. For more information, check out our video on mapping your farm area and get our complete What to Say and What to Do system!

Lesson 3: Listen to the Experts

If you’ve gone on a few fishing trips like Brian and Lynette have, you’ve probably noticed that the people who catch the most fish are the ones who listen to the boat captain! If you follow the instructions laid out by the professionals, you’ll find yourself on the fast track to success. Luckily, you’ve found the “mentors to the mentors” in real estate investment with the Wolff Couple! We have been working alongside real estate guru Ron LeGrand for 15 years and we have thousands of students across the country who have become successful real estate investors. Try our scripts and checklists today and start making real money!

Lesson 4: Persevere

Fishing isn’t always easy. It can be a struggle, especially when you have a 17-pound King salmon on the line like Lynette does in our featured Wolff Bite clip! Remember to stay focused on the prize and don’t give up. Whether you’re fishing or trying to close a real estate deal, perseverance is essential to success.

Lesson 5: Land the Prize

Keep in mind that even though you have a fish on the hook – or an interested seller – the deal isn’t guaranteed! You need to get the fish into the boat and you need the seller to sign a contract. Once you and the homeowner have agreed on terms, get the house under contract as soon as possible! You need to stay focused throughout the entire process and do everything you can to land the prize. Don’t give up — close that deal!

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We take inspiration from every part of life to make our business better and help you succeed, especially when that inspiration comes from an amazing fishing trip to Alaska with Ron LeGrand! Brian and Lynette walk you through the five most important real estate investing lessons they have learned from fishing in today’s featured Wolff Bite, and if you watch all the way to the end, you get to see Lynette real in a huge King salmon! Enjoy the beautiful Alaska scenery and check out the Wolff Shop to bring home great real estate investment advice from the Wolffs and Ron LeGrand himself. We want to help you make your dreams come true!

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